Henrietta Hartls Texte
Henrietta Hartls Texte

English Texts

My story "LOSD and Fount" was published 2016 in the CliFi (Climate Fiction) anthology "Everything Change".

Clicking the picture leads to the website of the Arizona State University who edited the book.

LOSD and Fount
LOSD and Fount-Clifi.pdf
PDF-Dokument [79.8 KB]

Battle Shadow:

Signs on the Horizon

In Battle Country: The Islanders secure a resounding victory against their arch-enemies, the Mainlanders. But they are struck by a strange affliction that they come to call "battle shadow" killing the very best battle men. Their chief Alexander tries to find out more about this strange force to save his men. In order to do so he has to explore his own mysterious past.

In 21st century Britain: In Edinburgh Isabella is desperately seeking David whom she has fallen in love with head over heels during a Hogmanay party. When she finds a witness to his disappearance she hopes she may see David again soon - but the search for him has only just begun...


My longlisted play from the 2016 BBC Radioplay competition

The revenge of the smarting phone
My contribution to the 2016 BBC international radioplay competition which was longlisted in the "English as 2nd language" category
PDF-Dokument [130.8 KB]
English joke
PDF-Dokument [488.6 KB]

Leseratte, erschaffen von

Lea S. Thater


trüber November

hierzulande nass kalt grau

- Frühling anderswo

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© Henrietta Hartl